The Sadhu


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Trekking to the Everest Base Camp gave me numerous memorable experiences. Once such distinct memory is a brief chat with this Sadhu. Sadhus in Hinduism are wandering holy men or monks admired for being good. Many Sadhus are also Yogis who practise meditation. They choose a life away from the normal society to focus on their spiritual practice.

The sites and views throughout the trek of ECB are amazingly beautiful. A complete hike takes typically two weeks. Though one does not need any formal training in mountaineering, a good amount of fitness with a high level of stamina are required. Climbing of the Mount Everest started in 1920s with the team led by George Mallory. But it was Edmund Hillary and tensing Norgay who realized that it made more sense to have a place to store supplies at the base of the mountain rather than trekking the whole length of the Khumbu valley whenever they needed gear. Thus, the Everest Base Camp was born.

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