No Pain No Gain


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The Everest Base Camp is one of the most beautiful treks that is on the bucket list of every hiker. It typically takes close to two weeks with an eight- hour trek on most days. One cannot expect any five star luxuries but the views are stunningly beautiful and make every bit of the trek worth it. The walking becomes easier if one hires a porter to carry the luggage required for the day’s trek. While the complete luggage that one carries is limited to 15-20kgs for the whole trip, what trekkers themselves can carry every day during the climb is a maximum of a 30lts pack for water, snacks and fleece or layer of clothing. Porters are an integral part of the climb. As one goes to a higher altitude, every kilogram can weigh you down. With utmost ease these porters go up and down the hike knowing well the nooks and corners and most of all the best views. In times of emergency the porter can be your guide and even help save lives in the mountains where the weather can tip at any point. A number of these porters can carry upto four times their body weight, this being their source of livelihood. Respect and friendship is what they command for all their hardwork.

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